Broken down into segments, the animated Colour Charts, Conversion Tables, Shade Overviews and in-depth explanations of the chemical reactions behind the amazing colour results, make this an eLearning course like no other.
In order to create an empowering experience, that actively improved professionals’ skills and techniques, the content used had to be engaging, whilst providing in-depth knowledge. Carrying out full post production in collaboration with Pravana's product experts, the educational content is supported heavily by our Motion Graphics & 3D Animations and the back end being supported by our in-house developers.
The certification program is broken up into Basic Color Theory, Mastering Chromasilk, Vivids Collection and Everything Blonding. Each section runs through a varying number of video segments, at the end of each questions must be answered to advance further in the certification.
Keeping consumers engaged with your brand through content that excels their skills and development allows true brand advocates and heroes to be created as their relationship with your brand is no longer just about the products and services they purchase from you. If you're looking to develop a content platform that can truly give back to your consumers make sure to reach out.