Wine Bottle Corks

Reduce marketing spend with a 3D-first content strategy.

What is 3D content?

Three-dimensional (3D) content allows you to see an object in three dimensions (length, width and height). It's as close to visualising the real-world as we can get in a digital context.

Brands have been using 3D to advertise their products for a while now, with some sectors using it more heavily than others.

As consumers we probably don't really look at digital content or experiences and ponder how they were made. But 3D is what makes it possible for brands to give you that "try before you buy" experience and the wow factor when viewing content that goes beyond the boundaries of reality.


There are 2 main content types to consider for marketing with 3D content.

3D Stills

These images may look like photos to the untrained eye, but they've been created using computer graphics. No photo-shoot necessary.

3D Content Production Landing Page 1
3D coffee promotional video mesh

3D Animation

Once you have your 3D-object modelled, you can adapt the look and feel, and make it move however you choose.

Why use 3D content in marketing?

3D is the closest we get to allowing users to explore products and services on-screen. Movement and unique content draws attention to your brand, but not only that, 3D content ensures brand consistency and cost-efficiencies when used right.

Forbes wrote about 3D changing the game for marketers back in 2015, but I wonder how many brands have truly embraced 3D since then?

Here are some reasons why marketing should use 3D:

  • It offers users more of an 'experience' online before they buy, giving them more confidence in their purchase decision.
  • It allows marketers to create launch materials before a product has been manufactured.
  • The appearance is more consistent than photo.
  • Adaptations to colour, texture and the environment are much faster, giving marketing more content for less.
  • The uniqueness of the content makes it easier to draw attention to your brand.

What 3D does that your photo shoot won't?

Because we're building a replica of your product, we're ensuring that in whatever scene you put that product, it will behave like the real thing.

To get the same effect on camera, you would have to do multiple photo shoots each with the respective scene you're trying to capture. This can be time-consuming and costly, especially if you miss something on the day.

With 3D you have full control over how your product looks, as well as how and when you use it. We simply open the file and create new content whenever you need it.

What do we mean by full control?

  1. You can enhance, lessen and change the colours, textures, lighting and the environment.
  2. You can add or remove imperfection e.g. dust particles, finger prints etc.
  3. You can make the product spin, explode, bounce, or move however you choose.
  4. You can do things that go beyond the laws of physics to create 'impossible shots'.

The 3D effect is something we haven’t used before as a company and thought the rendering really brought the SKUs to life.

– Amy O’Connor, Brand Marketing Executive at Tangle Teezer

Does 3D really reduce marketing spend?

The cost of 3D content production depends on the length and complexity of the output required, and whether it's necessary to create 3D models of the product manually.

There are three core stages in 3D Production:

1. Modelling
2. Animation (if required)
3. Rendering

If the object is in front of us (or some very accurate technical dimensions), it speeds things up in terms of modelling. The fastest route is using a Computer-aided design (CAD) file. Luckily this is something that most brands have access to if they used CAD for their product/packaging.



If you get your marketing content created in 3D first, you open yourself up to potential creative and cost benefits, not to mention the experience you'd be giving your users.

Here are some of the cost and time savings you could experience as a marketer:

  • No need to shoot your product in multiple settings or from multiple angles.
  • No need to wait for the prototype before you can shoot and advertise.
  • No need to spend hours editing, when you can get it right first time and replicate it across your channels.
3D Right Guard deodorant can on poster with seats next to it


What is your experience with 3D? I'd love to hear from you.

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